Our cherry parfait roses are coming in more pink and white, with a hint of cream, rather than a stark red with blinding white. It could be the particular genetic makeup of this individual cherry parfait rose bush, or it could be temperature and sunlight dependent as some roses will bloom differently depending upon the condition in which they grow. It’s also possible the pink will continue to darken a reddish pink as the bloom grows older – there’s just no way to know, yet.
I’m very happy with the plant itself, and the blooms are beautiful, but before I begin planting the rose bushes around the house, I want to find a strain that looks almost exactly like this cherry parfait rose. I’d like the entire cherry parfait rose bush to look like this. One thing I’ve learned thus far, though, is you cannot be sure how your plant will develop. That might still happen, I just have to give it time to mature and mess with the conditions.
I’ll try and research it this weekend so I can learn from other, more experienced gardeners who are familiar with this topic.

The first bloom from the Cherry Parfait rose bush …

Cherry Parfait rose bush ….

The Cherry Parfait rose bush …

An upclose of the Cherry Parfait rose bloom …

The three roses I’ve been growing in containers rather than in the ground with the others – the Cherry Parfait rose bush, the Dick Clark rose bush, and the single blush knockout rose bush are all doing very well. I’m thinking about adding two more – sugar moon and twilight, both of which have very heavy, spice and clover scents. I’m also still narrowing down the climbing varieties for over the garage.

The Dick Clark rose bush has 13 or 14 buds on it ready to open … it’s going to be something when they flush sometime this week or next.

The Fuschia Plant has gone through one cycle and is beginning another. Before long, we will have Fuscia flowers hanging from overhead.
I have to work for most of the evening. It’s been stormy around here, and so I think I will curl up in the study, plow through some tasks that have been on my business agenda for too long that don’t require anyone else, and perhaps finalize and map out next quarter’s goals (July, August, September). This is going to be one of those summers that is transformational in terms of our businesses. So many things are finally coming to fruition that I need to manage the transition smoothly.