Eataly in Downtown Chicago Should Be Your New Italian Grocery Store
After hours browsing the Thorne miniatures and the paintings, sculptures, and pottery at the Art Institute of Chicago, we were hungry. Jimmy wanted us to see a grocery store he thought we’d love called Eataly. He was right. This place is everything a grocery store should be. I’d imagine that Aaron and I could cook through each Marcella Hazan recipe in existence, or at least those found in The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking, and not have to special order a single ingredient. These pictures don’t even begin to do it justice. You have to go see this place if you are near downtown Chicago. They’ll valet park your car so don’t worry about finding a spot. Even if you don’t cook, go in and try the food.
At this point, our happiness level was on overload so Jimmy confessed he was trying to seduce us into moving to Chicago; that being friends for more than a decade, he knew our weak spots and was exploiting them. It is working. I need this place in my life. I can see Aaron running out to get ingredients for dinner while the kids are at school or me picking something up on the way home from the office.

Aaron and I both had mozzarella, olive oil, arugula, and prosciutto sandwiches. They were delicious.

The culture code has been unlocked. This place feels like an old school market with baskets of vegetables and abundance everywhere. Eataly would be our grocery store if we lived in Chicago. I want to cook now …

The cheese counter at Eataly is incredible; unlike anything I’ve ever seen. They have it all. I could make virtually any recipe imaginable.

The meat counter was old-school real. They had pig’s head, legs … I bet I wouldn’t have to special order the lamb I need for Hazan’s recipes like I do back in Kansas City …

Want fresh pasta but don’t want to bother making it yourself? Swing by and pick some up on your way home. It’s rolling out of a machine behind the workers manning the counter.

There’s a sit-down dining area upstairs where you can partake of the fresh Italian food being made everywhere around you …
We’re heading over to The Second City to see an improv and sketch comedy show. It’s the place where a lot of folks in comedy, including Tina Fey, Steve Carell, and Stephen Colbert, got their start. I’m not sure what to expect but it sounds fun.