The Mail Bag features my response to questions readers send me through the site, comments, Facebook messages, and other avenues.
All morning long, I’ve been getting letters in the inbox about my “latest” article at Investing for Beginners. I have no idea what they are talking about because the article in question, which isn’t even an article, it is a “quick tip” template that was meant as a side bar to another piece, was published years ago and has not been featured anywhere on either of sites.
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A comment reply I needed to post about the Wachovia banking collapse was too large to fit in the comment thread so I am publishing it as a mail bag feature. It deals with my thoughts on investing in bank stocks and holding a large exposure to the banking industry.
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This mail bag has to do with what appears to be a cheap company such as Apple. Joshua, AAPL just had record earnings….the best corporate earnings in human history. Of course, it tanked after earnings like it usually does. I feel like the whole market has gone mad trading on speculation instead of fundamentals. What…
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A question about call options and valuation on stocks … Hi Joshua, First of all I would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience on a variety of important subjects through your website and articles in I have read your articles about case studies in long term investment in various stocks and…
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This is one of the best, most relevant real-world mail bag questions I’ve ever received. Dear Mr.Kennon, I have a question: How do you retain humility and empathy as a businessperson without constantly analyzing worth/profit/opportunity? Background behind the question: I am an 18 year old girl from the UK and I have just applied to…
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A young, successful reader turns her financial life around and is now building her investment portfolio. Hi Joshua, First off, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog — I’m sure you hear this statement quite a bit. I stumbled upon your writing originally from probably around a month or so ago. I have been silently…
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If you are comparing yourself to other people all the time, you’re wasting your mental energy and your emotional reserves. Josh, I read the site and it both encourages and discourages me. You expect us to achieve so much. Don’t you understand that not all of us are you? How are we supposed to do…
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This is a mail bag question about the process I use to organize my kitchen and other things in general. Joshua, I love the food posts! I don’t understand how you experiment and find new recipes. What is your process? Tracy V. Like most things in my life, I build a system, adhere to it,…
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This mail bag speaks for itself. Joshua, I woke up this morning and expected to see something about the elementary school shootings. Why don’t you discuss current events more often? Anonymous By Request Earlier today, a 36 year old walked into an elementary school in Chenpeng village, Henan province, China, and stabbed 22 children with a…
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In the post this morning about Brands and Brand Equity, I mentioned the Chick-fil-A scandal in passing; particularly how it has experienced a 50% drop in brand perception over the past few weeks as the scandal unfolds. One of the questions was too expansion to deal with in the comments thread so I put it…
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