Sugar Prices Hit 30 Year Highs
The sugar industry is fascinating. For a variety of reasons, including protectionist policies put in place by Congress, prices recently hit a thirty-year high, threatening chaos for sugar refiners.
DetailsThe sugar industry is fascinating. For a variety of reasons, including protectionist policies put in place by Congress, prices recently hit a thirty-year high, threatening chaos for sugar refiners.
DetailsDuring college, one of Aaron and my closest friends made a comment that still haunts me to this day. I was explaining that if you own a share of The Coca-Cola Company, you actually receive a proportionate cut of the company’s profits on every single can of Coke sold. This makes sense, after all … if a business is divided into 100 shares outstanding, and you own 1 share, you own 1% of the company. If you own all 100 shares, you would own the entire business and get all of the profit, right? For me, this falls into the, “We hold these truths to be self-evident” category.
DetailsHow My Grandpa Dennis Could Have Turned His Pepsi Habit Into a 7-Figure Estate I’ve written in the past about how nearly every American alive today has been confronted with perhaps a dozen different companies that they knew first hand because they enjoyed using the firm’s products for years (in some cases, their whole life)…
DetailsMental Model: The Revolution of Satisfied Expectations The Revolution of Satisfied Expectations: “Research conducted by Daniel Kahneman of Princeton University, and by others who have come to approximately the same conclusion, shows that most people judge their well-being not by measuring where they stand but rather based on whether they think their circumstances and income…
DetailsJohn Robinson of the University of Maryland and Geoffrey Godbey of Penn State University have done research showing that “Americans now have more free time than at any point in the nation’s history.” They calculate that since 1960, the average American has gained 5 hours of free time per week even after adjusting for women entering the work force.
DetailsI love Apple’s products and what Apple has accomplished over the past few years. However, it is amazing to see how little even journalists understand the way companies or valued or how to properly compare the total return generated by one business over a given period of time to another business.
DetailsIn his dairy, John Quincy Adams wrote, “La molesse est douce, et sa suite est cruelle.”, which translates into, “Idleness is sweet, and its consequences are cruel.”
DetailsLast Thursday, we had a homemade balsamic chicken pizza with Ricotta cheese and sautéed onions; an original creation thanks to our dinner guest!
DetailsAs part of their plan to completely derail all dietary restraint, Jocelyn and Aaron plotted against me today. The result was the baking of two distinct styles of delicious cookies; one a white chocolate oatmeal cookie with cranberries and the other a white chocolate oatmeal cookie with cherries.
DetailsAaron and I got to be the lucky recipients of an original recipe creation by Jocelyn tonight. The amazing thing was, each serving had only 500 calories after measuring the ingredients and portion sizes.